There's a massive amount of wealth locked inside the ballooning asset class of vesting tokens. Delivering an effective solution to unlock it for the benefit of projects, communities and investors comes with several challenges -

  1. Lack of liquidity. The markets lack the infrastructure and information to produce efficiency in liquidity.
  2. Lack of access. Historically, only well-connected VC Funds and accredited investors could put their money at work.
  3. Lack of transparency. Secondary Market data has always been off chain making it extremely difficult to track, so it was hard to make informed decisions on either side of the market.

Today, Capx provides an ecosystem to efficiently solve these challenges by levelling the playing field for Retail and Institutions. By providing access to infrastructure and information about secondary markets, even the community has access to the same deal flow that was earlier enjoyed only by well connected individuals and instituitions.

What happens when my fav project uses Capx Liquid to vest its tokens?

  1. The tokens get locked in Capx’s Smart Vesting Contract ( a permissionless escrow) until the vesting period is completed ( just like any other vesting contract).
  2. What’s the catch? Founders and Investors get access to liquid Wrapped Vesting Tokens (WVTs) which can be traded in the secondary market with the community.
  3. These Wrapped Vesting Tokens are pegged in a 1:1 ratio to the original locked tokens.

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How does Capx benefit a project’s Community?

<aside> 💪 Community can now be early on a project by buying tokens at discounted prices via Capx Exchange instead of any other exchange.


<aside> 🚨 Get access to information about secondary market deals which has always been off chain (through OTCs) until now and make more informed decisions before investing in a project.


<aside> 🔍 Find new upcoming projects that Institutions and Angel Investors are investing in and get access to the same deal flow.


<aside> 📖 A project vesting through Capx increases transparency for it’s community by bringing secondary market token movements on chain.
